So the time has come to say goodbye to my little store, Fucifino. Much has changed for me over the past few months - priorities changed and I now have new goals in my life. And when I have a goal, I focus 110% on it. And because of these goals & priorities, I do not have the time I would like to have to be able to focus on my store.
My friends know my reasons. I won't share them here, but to those who have been kind enough to ask, don't worry - it's all good. I promise!
I'll still be around SL, working on Bare and enjoying all the wonderful work created by the Home & Garden community, many whom I'm lucky to call friends.
Maybe I'll even blog again...who knows.
In the meantime, Fucifino will be having a closing sale. Starting on December 5 (My Birthday - Happy Birthday to Me!!!) until the end of 2012 (or earlier, if the Mayans have anything to say about it), everything in the store will be 50% off.
After that time, I hope to have my items on the Marketplace, but we will see (not the most exciting thing to do haha).
Thank you all for your support over the years. It has meant the world to me!
<3 you
<3 you
ILY <3
hahaha I think I spam commented you
<3 you
<3 you too, you spammer!